Simply load your Mastercard Prepaid Card with the desired amount and pay for everything you need. The card can be used to facilitate online purchases, pay bills and make regular POS purchases. The card is accepted anywhere MasterCard is accepted and you can also reload your prepaid card if your available funds are depleted.
Mastercard just for you
Safe, convenient alternative to cash
No credit checks
No bank account required
Document Checklist
- Two (2) government-issued picture IDs
- Completed application form
Applicable Fees
Cash Advance
Over the Counter, Same-Day Online and Cash Equivalent Cash Advances:
- Either $10 or 5% of the amount of each transaction, whichever is greater
ATM withdrawal: either $10 or 5% of the amount of each transaction, whichever is greater
Prepaid Fees (one time activation fee)
- Load fee: US$2.00
- ATM access fee: US$3.50
Fraud Protection Fee/Monthly Maintenance
Monthly fee: 1.50
Security Features
- Fraud Protection: We block potential fraud if we detect abnormal patterns and advise you if fraud is suspected
- Contactless Chip Technology: Simply tap and pay wherever you see the Contactless symbol
- Increased Security: The OTP password security feature provides added security at secured sites
- Account Alerts: Receive transactional alerts when you sign up for our Mobile Banking
Your next steps
You can apply for a card online or by contacting any one of our branches in the Federation.
Time to get your card
Start your application process by contacting one of our branches.
Need a replacement card?
Call us or complete the request form online.
Transaction dispute?
Complete and submit the Report Form.
View activity on your Mastercard
Perform an enquiry.